The double wedding of General Hospital's Mac Scorpio (John J. York) to Felicia Jones (Kristina Wagner) and Port Charles' Kevin Collins (Jon Lindstrom) to Lucy Coe (Lynn Herring) is slated to take place on both shows late this month. The wedding is due to begin on General Hospital Friday, July 24.
Longtime fans of these couples will remember the trials and tribulations they each have endured. For example, Mac and Felicia tried to wed once before - only to have a bomb-wearing Ryan Chamberlain (Kevin's twin) disrupt the ceremony. Then there was the time when Lucy was trying to woo Kevin and served him mussels - which he is allergic too! Equally memorable though, is the enduring devotion that Kevin and Lucy have always shown each other, and the close friendship that Mac and Lucy have shared through the years.
However, with these characters involved, it is certain that no wedding can proceed without a hitch. Rumor has it that the wedding will not be a double wedding after all. Who will remain single when all the rice has been thrown?
June Lockhart will be briefly returning to the city of Port Charles, reprising her role of Mariah, Felicia's grandmother.
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