Dana Scott (alias used while sneaking into St. Mary's for a paternity test)
Chloe Jonas (married name when married to Daniel)
Chloe Horton (married name when married to Lucas)
Chloe Black (married name when married to Brady)
Ghoul Girl (nickname she was taunted with in high school)
Chloe turned 16 in early 2001
Chloe turned 18 in September 2002, later her birthday was changed to August 20
Former Music teacher
Former Opera singer in Chicago
Former prostitute
Former music teacher
Former head of the volunteers at Salem U Hospital
Former host of Kate's Hearth and Home talk show
Former opera singer in Europe
Chicago (September 2013 to present)
Formerly a mental health treatment facility (temporarily)
Formerly Daniel's appartment- Apt 32, 110 Guilford Street Salem, USA (temporarily)
Formerly the Kiriakis Mansion
Formerly somewhere in Chicago
Formerly the Salem Hotel
Formerly the Kiriakis Mansion
Formerly an apartment in Salem
Formerly Daniel's apartment- Apt 32, 110 Guilford Street Salem, USA
Formerly at Lucas's house
Formerly at the Horton cabin
Formerly at the Salem Inn
Formerly in Vienna, Austria
Formerly at the Craig house in Salem
Daniel Jonas (Married: Oct 14, 2010; divorced: March 2011)
Lucas Horton (Married Mar 17, 2009; annulled: Oct 16, 2009)
Brady Victor Black (Married: Sept 16, 2005; divorced: May 27, 2008)
Craig Wesley (father)
Nancy Miller (mother)
Joy Wesley (sister)
Albert Miller (grandfather)
Parker Jonas (son; with Daniel)
Numerous unnamed Johns while working as a prostitute
Randy (client, while working as a prostitute)
Quinn Hudson (lovers)
Daniel Jonas (lovers; engaged)
Lucas Roberts Horton (lovers; engaged)
Brady Black (married)
Philip Kiriakis (lovers)
Threw a dead rat in Jan's face and caressed her with it
Faked her death when she became horrifically scarred after a botched surgery
Provided false testimony to the police in the John Black DiMera fire case (she gave Lucas's testimony as if it was her own) (June 2008)
Committed adultery with Daniel Jonas while married to Lucas Horton (September 2009)
Forced into prostitution and drugged a John (June 2011)
Prostitute (July 2011)
Conspired with Anne to have Daniel find the number for Child Protective Services on Jennifer's desk (February 2013)
Bought substance with attempt to drug Jennifer (February 2012)
Custodial interfernce - Ordered her mother to take Parker to Brazil and away from Daniel (April 2013)
Blackmailed Jennifer to break up with Daniel by threatinng to keep Parker out of the country (April 2013)
Chloe was raised in numerous foster homes throughout her life, always told that her parents had died in a car accident. She learned the truth one day when Mrs. Rush, the director of the home where she was staying, introduced her to Nancy (she had called Nancy, asking her what the heck she should do about Chloe). She agreed to come back to Salem with Nancy, even agreeing to Nancy's request that Craig not know she was her biological daughter. Instead, she was 'the daughter of a friend'. After overhearing an argument between Craig and Nancy, Chloe stole some money from Nancy and ran away. She watched as Nancy got hit by a truck, but it didn't stop her. She changed her mind when she heard that Nancy was in a coma, and returned to Salem. Her singing woke her mother up.
Her initial relationship with Craig was very tense, because she constantly had to lie about who she really was, but they soon found an even ground they could communicate on, even becoming friends. Craig was a valuable friend once Chloe started Salem High. Aside from dressing in all black, Chloe's high wall of defensiveness translated itself into cold cockiness and condescension, and she immediately made enemies among her fellow students because of her attitude. Things escalated, with people going so far as to leave dead chickens on her doorstep. Luckily for Chloe, two kind-hearted students (Shawn Douglas Brady and Isabella Black) took pity on her, and struck up a friendship. But it was Philip Kiriakis who followed her to the docks the night she sang an aria for Shawn Brady's birthday.
Things went topsy-turvy again when Nancy's father Dr. Albert Miller came to town for a visit. He realized the truth, that Chloe was the daughter Nancy had years earlier. Tempted to leave town with her grandfather, Chloe finally decided to unburden herself to Belle, and tell her the truth that Nancy was her birth mother. Chloe decided to stay, and walked in on Nancy telling Craig the truth about who she (Chloe) was. Craig briefly walked out, but returned home to accept Chloe. Good thing...Chloe soon began sniping at Nancy and pushing her away at every opportunity, and it was Craig she would turn to.
Philip and Chloe were growing closer and closer. It wasn't Chloe saving Philip's life that pulled the two together though...it was Chloe's appearance when Philip took her to the Last Blast dance. She blew him away when she showed up in a tight red sheath, and she was shocked when he took the dousing of chicken blood meant for her (after Shawn pushed her out of the way). They almost kissed, but Nancy interrupted the two, infuriating Chloe again. Later, when she found out Philip called off a date with her, she vowed revenge (not realizing that he was working hard to get his mother and father back together).
Chloe's life took a nosedive when some new houseguests moved in...Mimi and her family (her mother, father, and brother). It turned out that her father had lost his job, and they had been living on the streets. The teens set up a Habitat for Humanity thing, and the Lockharts needed somewhere to stay...the Wesley house was the place (Craig and Nancy were trying to improve their public image). But Chloe didn't want them living there...and embarked on a campaign of her own to get them out of her house. It didn't help that her relationship with Nancy was quickly deteriorating.
Chloe and Philip finally had their first kiss, but it was marred by soon finding out that the only reason Philip had asked Chloe to the Last Blast was because he had lost a bet to Shawn Brady. She ran from everything, encountering Brady Black on the docks. They traded barbs for awhile (particularly him telling her that her singing has no passion), before parting ways. They encountered each other again on Halloween, him dressed as Zorro. They continued to spar, but Chloe was soon officially dating Philip. She even accompanied him to the coronation, and forged a friendship with Stefano DiMera. She was there for Philip after the news hit that Victor was dead.
Chloe and Philip almost became lovers in the stables on the Kiriakis estate, but were interrupted when Victor showed up. Chloe was shocked...Victor was supposed to be dead! Then she was furious. Philip had no right to keep it from her. She didn't even try to see his point, and ran off. When Nancy and Craig found her, she told them that Philip had raped her. She later recanted (after Craig punched Philip), but justified what she did by saying that Philip had no right to lie to her.
She and Philip reunited, but after Jan and Mimi posted OperaGirl.net photos of Chloe in the shower at the Last Blast dance, Philip blew up at Chloe, calling her all manner of horrible names. Although Philip tried to get back together with Chloe, she just couldn't trust him anymore, and refused to go on the class trip to Puerto Rico. She soon began hanging out with Belle's brother Brady (all her friends were on the island), but Philip was still a part of her life. When he learned she was spending time with Brady, he again verbally attacked her, but Chloe kept making excuses for him.
Although Brady was in love with Chloe, Chloe was still torn between her feelings for Philip and her newly born feelings for Brady. Chloe is getting things back on track with Philip again when she stars experiencing health problems. Eventually she is diagnosed with leukemia, and her family begins looking for her birth father in the hopes of a bone marrow transplant. She and Brady go looking for Frederick Sykes, Nancy's rapist. While on their journey, Philip arranges to have Brady arrested in an effort to destroy Brady and Chloe's friendship, and after seeing the truth about Philip, Chloe tells him it's over forever.
Brady and Chloe slowly begin moving toward Romance as Chloe continues to look for her biological father. When they finally find Frederick Sykes, he tells them there is no way he is her father ... he had a vasectomy years ago. Back in Salem, Craig does some investigating, and shocks Nancy with the news that HE is Chloe's biological father. Luckily, the child that Nancy is carrying turned out to be a perfect match for Chloe, and she received the bone marrow transplant she desperately needed. After recovering, Chloe again had the chance to sing for Cecilia Marin, who offered her the chance of a lifetime. Although she was deeply in love with Brady, Chloe left Salem to give her dream of singing a chance.
Chloe came back to Salem at Victor's insistence in December of 2003. Although she initially planned to stay and be with her true love, Brady, an opportunity of a lifetime came up and Chloe couldn't turn it down. She left Salem, and Brady, behind only a few days after coming to town. A few months later she was in an accident and, after being horribly scarred, forced her mother to tell the world that she was dead because she couldn't bear anyone to see how she looked now. After learning there was a surgery that could restore her looks she agreed to go to Salem for a radical surgery, as well as tell Brady that she was still alive, as she now trusted his feelings for her enough to tell him the truth. Even before they knew the surgery was a success, Chloe accepted Brady's marriage proposal, although she had cold feet on more than one occasion. On their wedding day, she revealed her new face, perfect in every way, and after marrying she and Brady left Salem for their honeymoon.
Chloe returned for the Salem High Reunion in November of 2007. Residents of Salem soon learned that she and Brady were no longer together and that Brady was missing. Chloe gave various lies as to why Brady wasn't with her- he was traveling, they were divorced, he had been kidnapped. Ultimately viewers learned that Brady had become addicted to drugs and Victor had kidnapped him and put him into rehab. Chloe went to visit Brady in rehab where she was served with divorce papers. Chloe and Brady divorced on May 27, 2008.
Chloe started a "friends with benefits" relationship with Phillip, but she eventually fell for Phillip. Unfortunately, Phillip was not looking for a monogamous relationship and took up a flirtation with Morgan Hollingsworth. Crushed, Chloe looked to her new friend Lucas for comfort.
Lucas and Chloe became close while plotting to defend Phillip- who was a person of interest in the John Black DiMera fire case. Phillip was suspected of setting fire to John's warehouse. However, Lucas witnessed the real arson, Paul Hollingsworth, fleeing the scene. Unfortunately Lucas witnessed the escape when he broke his house arrest to visit the docks. Since he could not testify to what he saw, Chloe agreed to talk to the police as if she had seen Paul. Lucas and Chloe's scheme made them grow closer. During a blackout in July of 2008, Chloe and Lucas became trapped together in an elevator where they made love. Chloe and Lucas continued their relationship for a few months, but eventually, the idea of being a step-mother to Lucas's daughter was too much for Chloe to handle. Chloe took a brief job with the Kansas City Opera. She returned to Salem and continued her life with Lucas.
Chloe moved into the Horton cabin with Lucas and Ali. Despite being unsure of her position as a "mother", Chloe made the best of her time with Ali. She remained friendly with Philip and helped support both Lucas and Philip through Kate's battle with cancer. Lucas proposed to Chloe and the two planned a life together. But, they waited to announce their engagement because Kate would need a bone marrow transplant, and after a hospital-wide search, Daniel found that Chloe was a match. Chloe donated her marrow to Kate.
While Kate recovered, Chloe and Daniel grew closer. They tried to fight their attraction, especially considering that Chloe was engaged to Lucas, and Daniel was dating Kate. As soon as Daniel and Kate broke up, Daniel tried to get Chloe to break up with Lucas. She refused, but soon Chloe and Daniel could not contain their feelings. They made love the day after Kate threw Chloe and Lucas an engagement party.
Chloe couldn't fight her feelings for Daniel and broke things off with Lucas. But, just when she thought she made a decision, Lucas was seriously injured in an explosion. Scared that Lucas would die, Chloe promised God that she would marry Lucas and be a mother to Ali if God let Lucas live. Lucas survived the accident and a few days later he and Chloe eloped to Las Vegas.
Chloe never reconciled her feelings for Daniel. Kate never reconciled her anger at Chloe and Daniel for their betrayal. So, Kate set out to poison Chloe and frame Daniel for the murder. Her plot was very intricate and involved editing recordings of Daniel and Chloe's voices down so it sounded like they were fighting. She poisoned Chloe's food and arranged for Chloe and Daniel to be in the same room with the food. Chloe ate the food and collapsed. Kate stole Chloe's cell phone and called Maggie, playing the recording of Daniel and Chloe fighting. The police arrested Daniel and Chloe fell into a coma, where she remained for several weeks. When she woke up, she immediately broke up with Lucas and got engaged to Daniel.
The two were happy together until Daniel's friend Carly came to town. Daniel was shocked to learn that he fathered Carly's daughter, Melanie. As he tried to form a bond with his new daughter, Chloe became suspicious and jealous of Carly. The situation was only complicated by the fact that Chloe had a hysterical pregnancy and was told that she would probably never have a child. One night, having been tricked by Vivian to think that Carly and Daniel were having an affair, Chloe turned to Philip. The two slept together. A few weeks later, Chloe learned she was pregnant. She did not know if the father was Daniel or Philip.
Carly learned of Chloe's affair and immediately demanded that Chloe take a paternity test. The test confirmed that Philip was the father of Chloe's baby. Yet, someone changed the results of the test before Chloe could see the original results. Chloe believed that Daniel was the father of her baby and proceeded to plan a happy life together with Daniel. Carly agreed to stay quiet about Chloe's affair. Chloe and Daniel married on October 14, 2010. Chloe gave birth to a son on November 11, 2010.
On the day of Parker's baptism, Caroline Brady revealed that she had switched the test results. Philip was Parker's father. Daniel was heartbroken and left Chloe. Unable to deal with the pain of loosing Daniel, Chloe slipped deep into depression and tried to commit suicide. Social services made Chloe sign over full custody to Philip. In attempt to help his friend get better, Philip moved Chloe into the Kiriakis mansion with Parker so Philip and Chloe could raise their baby together.
But, Chloe's mental health was still fragile. During a drunken rant to Kate, Chloe threatened to take Parker and no one would ever see him again. Fearful that she would make good on her threats, Philip took Parker and moved to Chicago.
Chloe tried to get herself together by giving voice lessons to students in Salem and petitioning the court for supervised visits with Parker. She was even granted one visit and got to see Parker.
Around that same time, Chloe met a handsome stranger named Quinn. After buying her a few drinks and listening to her story, Chloe agreed to go home with Quinn. The two went to his hotel room and slept together. When Quinn left to attend a business meeting, he left behind an envelope of money on the bed for Chloe.
A few days later, Quinn ran into Chloe again. He apologized for thinking that she was a prostitute and asked her to go on a real date with him. Reluctantly, Chloe agreed. But, when Chloe saw Daniel kissing Jennifer outside of the Brady Pub, Chloe decided to go home with Quinn again. Despite the fact that she called out Daniel's name in bed, Quinn still insisted that he wanted to get to know and help Chloe.
But, it was soon revealed that Kate Roberts had hired Quinn to ruin Chloe's life. Quinn had taped their tryst together and left the camera running long enough to capture her taking the envelope of money. He used the video footage to force Chloe into turning tricks for Quinn. Knowing that, if leaked, the video footage would compromise her visits with her son, Chloe agreed to work for Quinn.
Chloe went to dinner and got drinks with a "John". But, just before they slept together, Chloe got a call from Justin about another visitation with Parker. Chloe drugged the John's drink and went to see her son. Justin told her that if she kept showing that she had a steady income, she could see Parker more. Chloe decided to keep turning tricks to keep up her income.
When a string of attacks on prostitutes occurred in Salem, Quinn shut down his prostitution ring. But, Chloe needed the money, so she decided to take on clients on her own. While waiting for a client on the docs, Chloe was brutally attacked and beaten unconscious.
Worried that Chloe never showed up for their coffee date, Kinsey started looking for Chloe. She called Brady and Nicole, and the three began looking for Chloe. They found her and rushed her to the hospital. Chloe slipped into a coma.
Brady, Nicole, and Kinsey decided to keep Chloe's occupation a secret to protect her image. When Chloe woke up, she identified Gus (Vivian's assistant) as her attacker. Gus was arrested and Chloe was given a substantial amount of reward money that Titan had put up for information leading to the attacker's arrest. Brady also got Chloe an audition at a club in Chicago.
Chloe got the job in Chicago and moved there to start a new life. Hearing that she was getting back on her feet, Philip expressed interest in letting Chloe back into Parker's life. Kinsey also moved to Chicago with Chloe to start a new life of her own.
In January 2013, Chloe came back to Salem to tell Daniel that ther had been a mistake and he really was Parker's biological father. Chloe was determined to put her family back together, including getting Daniel back.
But when she learned that Daniel had happily moved on with Jennifer, Chloe set about scheming to break up Jennifer and Daniel. Chloe, staying temporarily at the Kiriakis mansion, harassed Victor until he snapped and told her to leave. She promptly proposed the idea of moving into Daniel's apartment. He agreed, but he also decided to move into a hotel while Chloe was staying there.
Chloe still set Jennifer up to catch Chloe at Daniel's apartment wearing nothing but Daniel's shirt. When that didn't work, she played a tape recording of Parker crying to get Daniel to come home from his weekend away with Jennifer. Chloe also enlisted the help of Anne, a hospital employee with a grudge against Jennifer. Together they tried to make it look like Jennifer was trying to call Child Protective Services on Chloe. When that didn't work, they plotted to visit the same club Jennifer and Daniel were attending and drug Jennifer's drink.
Nothing was successful. Daniel repeatedly told Chloe that he was with Jennifer and there was no chance for he and Chloe to reconcile. So, decided to blackmail Jennifer. Chloe had her mother, Nancy, take Parker to Brazil. Then, Chloe told Jennifer to give up Daniel, or Parker was never coming back to the country. She would go and live with Parker on the run forever.
Daniel was shocked when Jennifer broke up with him and began suspecting that Chloe had something to do with it. Daniel found Nancy's recently stamped passport in her purse. He called Rafe with the information, who made a few calls so some old FBI contacts and confirmed that Nancy and Parker had been out of the country.
Daniel confronted Chloe with the information. She tried to deny it. But, eventually she confessed to the whole scheme. She also realized that she needed to get some mental health, so she had her father pull some strings to get her into a facility. Chloe apologized to Daniel and Jennifer, said goodbye to Parker, and then left for a two-month stay in a treatment center. She would occasionally call home to talk to Daniel and Parker while she was away. Daniel brought Parker to visit her in Chicago periodically as well.
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