Weathergirl at a Minneapolis television station
Former part-time writer for Tempo magazine
Formerly the Martin House on Hillcrest Drive in Pine Valley
Formerly in Minneapolis, Minnesota
Single/Annulled (Bobby Warner)
Bobby Warner
Jim Jefferson (father)
Tara Martin (mother)
Charlie Brent (maternal half-brother)
Joseph Martin Sr. (grandfather)
Ruth Martin (grandmother)
Henry Martin (great-grandfather; deceased)
Kate Martin (great-grandmother; deceased)
Jeff Martin (uncle)
Bobby Martin (uncle; mysteriously disappeared and is never mentioned)
Tad Martin (maternal half-uncle; via adoption)
Joseph "Jake" Martin Jr. (maternal half-uncle)
James Martin (maternal cousin; via adoption)
Unnamed Child (maternal cousin; via adoption)
Joshua Madden (maternal cousin; deceased)
Trevor Martin (maternal cousin)
Paul Martin (great-uncle)
Amy Parker (great-aunt)
Elizabeth Martin (first cousin once removed; deceased)
Samuel Carlos Grey (son; with Bobby; adopted by Edmund and Maria Grey)
Ran away from home
Blackmailed Bobby into giving her money by saying she'd reveal to everyone that Bobby was the father of her son
Placed "anti-thumb sucking" liquid on Sam's bottle and led everyone to believe that Sam could only be nursed
Kelsey came to Pine Valley in 1995. She ran way from the boarding school to Pine Valley, not telling anyone who she was. She was pregnant from a one-night stand with Bobby Warner. Anita Santos befriended her and introduced Kelsey to her sister Maria who wanted to adopt a baby. Kelsey for Maria's husband, Edmund. Edmund delivered her baby. She developed a close attraction to Edmund while Kelsey lived at Wildwind and nursed Sam, but her affection paled in comparison to that which she still held for her son's father---Bobby Warner. Kelsey eventually got Bobby to agree to marry her so that she could get part of his trust fund. In return, Kelsey agreed to give Sam back to Edmund and Maria. The plan was a scam, but Kelsey had no way of knowing it.
Kelsey matured a great deal in the next twelve months. She graduated from Pine Valley High and readied for the world of college. But her desire to be in love once again got the best of her. Kelsey's friendship to Kevin Sheffield, a gay classmate, wasn't enough for Kelsey. She began clinging to him and Kelsey needed Kevin around her at all times---even though she knew deep down inside that she and Kevin could never be a romantic item.
Kelsey had her new love interest - Scott Chandler. There was only one problem; Scott was dating Gillian Andrassy, a princess with a bad attitude. Kelsey tried everything to get Scott to notice her -- she changed her attitude and bought expensive clothes. Scott noticed her changes and told her that she was just Kelsey, not Gillian and to be herself. When all else failed, she teamed up with Ryan Lavery, a sales person working at WRCW, to ruin Scott and Gillian's relationship. Ryan booked a weekend at a ski lodge for the four of them. Ryan and Kelsey acted like they were very much in love. Scott tried to warn Kelsey that Ryan was not the right man for her. Meanwhile, Ryan was trying to woo Gillian. Scott and Kelsey's relationship never really took off. In fact, they couldn't get beyond the relationship of just being friends.
After her high school graduation, Kelsey took on a position as weathergirl for a television station in Minneapolis.
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